The habit of male:

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The male intentional worship of the greatest, and the masculine manifest the most manifest in the Hajj, what is the beginning of tawaaf sale, nor the pursuit between Safa and Marwa, nor throw the Jamar only to establish the mention of God as he said peace be upon him.Cheap Umrah Package UK giving the cheap rates of hajj and umrah packages.If the most pilgrim of the mentioned in these places forget mentioning, and reassured himself by, and increased proximity to the Lord, and was called for the practice of male, and multiplication after the Hajj. The habit of supplication: The journey of Hajj from the first to the last opportunity to pray and pray to God - the Almighty - the meeting of the pilgrim to answer the need to meet the other honor of time, place and place of the da'i and wearing that great song, and the large places that the supplication begins, Answer: Tawaf, seeking, standing at Arafah, and when the forbidden hair, and after the throwing of the small ember, and after the throwing of the middle ember, all these positions places of prayer, and a booth to answer. This leads the believer to frequent du'aa 'and to habituate him in all the days that he receives.
4 - Getting used to waiting for the vulva: If the pilgrim sees crowds of pilgrims crowded during the tawaaf, seeking, and throwing stones - think that these masses will not disperse, and that he will not reach his goal of completing the tawaaf, or seeking or throwing stones, and perhaps aware of boredom, And he may have realized that he will not go after this year.
And it is only a short time, then the masses move, and the performance of the rituals is facilitated.
* This is a great lesson, and the secret of Badia learns from him the slave bondage waiting for the vulva, which is for the slaves and the best of the closeness; then do not despair of the spirit of God, and near the Farah no matter how dark, no matter how much pain, regardless of the size of the injured either in his condition or in the case of his nation , But be improved thinking of his Lord, waiting for his generosity and kindness, and near goodness - the Almighty - find in the filling of the scourge of the spirit of vulva and Nasimh, and rest of what is hidden Altaf, and what is Faraj accelerated.

And there is no more in goodness, and in God is coveted, and there is no despair of spirit, and in heart, faith.


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