Getting piety:
And the piety is the purpose of the matter, and the good
together, and the commandment of Allah for the first and others, and pilgrimage
is a great opportunity to get the piety, the Almighty said: (Pilgrimage months
information, who enjoined the Hajj does not inherit or market and there is no
argument in the Hajj and do what good God knows and provide, O Oulb al-Alban
(al-Baqarah: 197).
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "God will
not receive her flesh or blood, but he will receive piety from you."
* The first of the hearts that God has singled out by
calling for His piety, they take from the pilgrimage a lesson to get the piety,
and look at the origin of the divine legislation and its important place in
religion, and know that the truth of love and bondage to God is only by
offering the Murad of God on every path.
* This Ibrahim al-Khalil - peace be upon him - start God
Almighty to slaughter his only son Ismail, who has no other, and that God
earned him at the age of his age; who is loved beloved of the world.
And this is one of the greatest scourge, and the realization
of faith and show the truth of the exam; Khalil gave the Muslims a great lesson
of honesty with God, and by the introduction of God's Murad God's soul,
regardless of the pain and bone; peace be upon him - to implement - with the
intensity of passion, and great mercy and paper and compassion - And he
succeeded, and succeeded, and overcome this scourge, God's mercy, and paralyzed
the movement of the knife on the throat of his son, after I love Hebron, Vvdah
God slaughter a great, and make it a sure year remaining in the Muslims until
the Day of Resurrection; to treat God - the Almighty - the loving treatment of
his beloved and worshiper , And revealed the desires of their souls and loved
ones for the sake of God's Murad and his beloved.
* If pilgrims know this meaning, and realized this great
secret for which I began the guidance and sacrifice returned to carry those
great meanings ?, which makes them do not hesitate to implement some of the
commands of God, does not prevent them the pleasure of sleep and the desire for
bed initiative to do the dawn prayer.
* It is not forbidden to love money, and to be careful to
collect it from leaving cheating, cheating, riba, tying, and spending goods by
false faith.
The desire to obtain God's satisfaction and compensation in
this world and in the Hereafter is not forbidden to them.
* The love of the world does not prevent them from spending
for the sake of Allah with their money and themselves.
And on this brief profile of the work of Hajj hatch:
* And thus benefit the Oulb of this great lesson in the
Hajj, which they provide for piety.
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